Thursday, July 16, 2009

Ugly Belly Button Thingy

So the Dr. Told us that Audreys ugly dead belly button thingy would fall off in its own time. Well just like everything else I can't wait for nature. I was holding little Audrey on my chest and her cord got caught on my shirt, when I went to bring her down and off it came. I just looked down at her and it was gone! Then I look at my shirt and there is was all dead and hanging, caught on my shirt! I was so upset. She didn't seem to mind she just went on like nothing happened so I guess it was ready to fall off. See sometime things just need a little help.

1 comment:

  1. hehehe, that's funny. Ryan hates the dried up Umbilical cord. In fact he tries his very best to never touch it (I did all the cleaning in Moira's first two weeks) It's so gross and disgusting to him...he told me in advance this time that he was not going near it again! All the memories!
